Out of Hours School Care (OHSC) and School Holiday Program


Out of Hours School Care

Templestowe Heights Primary School offers a Before and After School Care Program run by TheirCare. The program is located in the Multi Purpose Room in the Eastern Building. There are a number of different activities offered for the children during their time in care.

In the morning, quiet activities such as reading, drawing, puzzles and board games are offered. While in the afternoon, a wider variety of activities are offered including cooking, craft, indoor and outdoor games, team games, board games etc. Snacks are provided for afternoon tea.

The Templestowe Heights PS TheirCare Program are registered carers for the Child Care Subsidy through Centrelink. Please visit https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/child-care-subsidy for further information.

Before School Care is from 7:00am – 8:45am.  After School Care is from 3:30pm – 6:00pm.

The After School Care service commences earlier on school ½ days and Last Day of Term.

The service will be open on Pupil Free Days from 7.00 am – 6.00 pm, only if there is sufficient interest.

For new families

To register your child and make a booking you will need the following information to complete the process and receive all available benefits…

  • Centrelink CRNs for yourself and the child you are enrolling
  • Credit card or bank account details for direct debit purposes
  • Emergency contact details in case you are not contactable in an emergency
  • Authorised nominees for pick up and drop off authorisation
  • Doctor, Medicare
  • Diagnosed allergy, asthma, anaphylaxis, dietary requirements (Medical documentation can be uploaded during registration)

 Please visit www.theircare.com.au and hover on “BOOK NOW” > then click “HOW TO REGISTER” then select > “REGISTER YOUR CHILD”

 For information about current fees, please see attached Key Information Sheet below or contact TheirCare directly.

TheirCare Key Information Flyer Templestowe Heights PS

School Holiday Program

TheirCare offers a school holiday program during the school term breaks. The school holiday program operates from 7:00am – 6:00pm each day and is located in the Multipurpose Room (2nd Building and at the end closest to school oval)

 The daily program information for the Summer 2023 break will be made available around late November/Early December.

Contact Details


Head Office: 1300 072 410

Service Mobile: 0484 511 125