Students are expected to wear the school uniform, including school bags and school hats. Its purpose is to promote a sense of safety, pride, equal status and belonging amongst the students of Templestowe Heights Primary School.
Where To Buy Your Uniform
Uniforms can be purchased from PSW (Primary School Wear) at their retail shop at 12 Strathalbyn Street, Kew East, 3102. (near the Harp Road Junction) Ph. 9768 0381.
Orders can be also be placed online through their website at https://www.psw.com.au/primary/
Please check PSW website for operating hours.
Second Hand Uniform
Second hand uniform is for sale at the school office with items available for $2.00 and $5.00 each.
In accordance with our SunSmart policies students are expected to wear hats from mid August until May 1st.
Lost Property
Lost property is kept in the office area. Please ensure that all your child’s clothing, lunchboxes, drink bottles etc. are clearly labelled to prevent loss.