Enrichment Programs

Our school has a dedicated enrichment teacher who supports the learning needs of students working well above expected levels, as well as supporting all teachers to cater to the needs of every child. Our school aims to provide a comprehensive and challenging curriculum for all students, including those who are identified as needing academic extension beyond the classroom program.

This year we are offering a variety of programs in response to the needs of our more able students.

  • School Camps
  • Lego Robotics
  • Quantum 3D print-a-car competition
  • School assembly performances
  • Lunchtime art, theatre and chess clubs
  • Choir
  • Instrument Tuition
  • Leadership Opportunities – J.S.C., Environmental, Art, School and House Captains
  • Australasian Mathematical Olympiad

Our extension program is reviewed each year so that our program responds effectively for the children involved.